Encouraging the Timely Identification of Security Vulnerabilities

Encouraging the Timely Identification of Security Vulnerabilities

The digital ecosystem keeps growing, and so do security risks… To reduce the attack surface and operate within a comprehensive security framework, organizations need to embrace effective tools that offer continuous protection for their critical digital assets.


Bug Bounty programs, designed to redefine modern cybersecurity, present a solution. CyScope, the Swiss bug bounty platform introduced by Dreamlab Technologies, has been crafted by a team of skilled hackers to tackle the challenges arising from the digital transformation.


CyScope helps in the timely identification of security vulnerabilities and network threats that could jeopardize organizations. It ensures continuous protection for critical infrastructure and applications. CyScope programs encourage the investigation of security breaches by providing enticing financial rewards for each valid vulnerability found.


The solution combines the the expertise and skills of a multitude of global researchers and ethical hackers who are accessible around the clock to conduct assessments of crucial assets like web and mobile applications, IoT, and APIs.

According to Fabien Spychiger, CEO of Dreamlab Technologies Latin America, «CyScope offers clients a more straightforward yet comprehensive method for detecting and mitigating vulnerabilities. The goal is for CyScope to be viewed as a logical and complementary solution to enhance secure internal development and penetration testing processes for companies and organizations.»


According to Laura Gaudino, Product Manager at CyScope: «Our Bug Bounty platform is designed to facilitate continuous testing and ensure that the perimeter is constantly monitored. The success of CyScope lies in the continuity, efficiency, and speed we can provide through our solution.»


Laura Gaudino, Product Manager at CyScope, explains, «Our Bug Bounty platform is crafted to simplify continuous testing and maintain constant perimeter monitoring. CyScope’s success lies on its ability to deliver continuity, efficiency, and speed through our solution.»

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