CyScope’s Vision Enhancing Your Security Posture Effectively and Affordably

CyScope’s Vision: Enhancing Your Security Posture Effectively and Affordably

Laura Gaudino shares insights into CyScope, Dreamlab Technologies’ Bug Bounty program, and its role in enhancing cybersecurity. Learn how this program helps understand the ever-expanding attack surface, uncovering errors and vulnerabilities, testing applications, and addressing security issues before they’re exploited by cybercriminals. Remember, you can only protect what you can see.

1. When and how did the idea for creating the CyScope platform originate?

In 2017, the concept was born when we recognized that bug bounties could enhance traditional penetration testing. They offered a more agile and cost-effective method for achieving rapid results. Our goal was to bring together the Latin American hacker community and, in a sense, capitalize on the relatively untapped potential in this market.


2. Bug bounty programs and their significance in today’s digital security landscape are frequently discussed. What specific advantages do you believe the platform offers?

In the realm of bug bounties, collaboration is a powerful asset. When you engage a substantial pool of skilled professionals to scrutinize your systems within a competitive framework, the odds of uncovering numerous vulnerabilities and critical security issues in a short span are greatly enhanced. Additionally, the hacker community operates within real-world scenarios, affording them ample opportunity to identify sophisticated security flaws, much like any cyber attacker would.

3. Bug bounty programs are more common in Europe and other regions outside Latin America. Why do you think this is the case?

The bug bounty concept is a relatively recent development in Latin America. In contrast, in Europe and the United States, this model has been employed for more than a decade. Companies in these regions comprehend the mutually beneficial aspect of this approach and actively use it as a public demonstration of their dedication to cybersecurity. It serves as a compelling marketing strategy.

While the Latin American market is beginning to embrace bug bounty programs, there remains a degree of uncertainty when launching such initiatives. The CyScope team is actively promoting and educating companies to alleviate their concerns. They emphasize that the primary goal is to ensure vulnerabilities are promptly addressed by internal teams, rather than being disclosed to the public via social media. CyScope provides a controlled disclosure channel for reporting vulnerabilities.


4. How do you evaluate the ethics and trustworthiness of hackers in the CyScope community?

At CyScope, the ethics and professionalism of our hacker community are of utmost importance. We value quality above quantity, which is why our community is exclusive. Hackers can’t participate in our bug bounty programs without successfully passing a multi-stage selection process. This process assesses their background and commitment to CyScope’s legal standards. Moreover, we’ve implemented multiple safeguards to ensure the security of both our clients and hackers during testing.


5. Let’s discuss expenses: Is it more cost-effective to hire a service for vulnerability detection or to pay for incident remediation after it occurs?

When it comes to cybersecurity, we advocate for a 100% proactive approach. This means taking preemptive measures to bolster a company’s defense mechanisms and detection capabilities before any incident occurs.


When a company does experience a cybersecurity incident, the associated recovery costs can be substantial. However, with a robust cybersecurity strategy and the implementation of essential security controls, these expenses can be minimized.


To sum up, a company that neglects cybersecurity not only faces financial losses resulting from an incident but also the more elusive cost of damage to its reputation. Although this reputation damage is challenging to quantify precisely, we are well aware that its medium-term impact can be substantial.


6. What obstacles have you faced in your role as Product Manager at CyScope?

In my role as a Product Manager, I encounter a consistent and significant daily challenge. This challenge involves the delicate task of guiding the development of a platform that must cater to the needs and interests of both companies and hackers, all while centralizing and prioritizing ideas effectively.


Additionally, venturing into international markets presents another formidable challenge. This expansion entails adapting to different cultural dynamics and being prepared for variations in customer expectations and preferences.


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